A screencast is a video that shows a recording of anything shown on-screen and normally makes use of a voice-over, typically explaining what is happening on screen.
A screencast can have additional supporting materials such as overlaid video (often the speaker), graphics, images and sound effects.
The creator of the screencast uses screencast software to record the on-screen activity and then uses either the same software to edit and prepare the final video, or will import the screencast recording into third-party editing software for further work.
Because screencasts can have many different uses, they are quite popular and the basics can be learned in minutes.
Example uses include:
- Demonstrating how-to do an activity on a computer
- Providing student feedback
- Introducing a software or web product for marketing purposes
Learn More
Alistapart 342: A Pixel Identity Crisis
A Pixel Identity Crisis: Now that hardware is changing and pixel densities are growing, pixels are struggling to find relevance as the stable unit they once were. Browser zooming is one thing and has been covered on QuirksMode. But what is a pixel on high resolution devices today? Why does the 640px × 960px iPhone 4 claim to be 320px × 480px in the browser? The truth is that there are two different definitions of pixels: they can be the smallest unit a screen can support (a hardware pixel) or a pixel can be based on an optically consistent unit called a “reference pixel.”
Notes on ebooks
I have been collecting links across the web about every aspect of ebooks and thought I may as well share it here as it grows. Feel free to comment/email with any useful resources.
Last updated 13 May 2012 and listed with my latest finds at the top
- E-Books in Higher Education: Nearing the End of the Era of Hype?
- Why e-books will soon be obsolete (and no, it’s not just because of DRM)
- I can’t wait until we move past the awkward teenage years of ebooks. Quote from Jason Santa Maria via Twitter
- What Amazon’s ebook strategy means
- One more time: E-books do not contain ‘formatting’
- Oxford launches free online interactive book
- Can education afford the iPad? Tony Bates, 2012
- Create rich-layout publications in EPUB 3 with HTML5, CSS3, and MathML
- Seth Godin on Libraries, Literary Agents and the Future of Book Publishing as We Know It
- A Guide to Publishers in the Library Ebook Market, 2012
- How important are open ebook standards to universities? Ben Showers, JISC 2012
- Accessibility of e-Textbook Readers, Sharon Perry, JISC CETIS, 2012
- Resurgence of the scroll, Paul Rudman, BDRA 2012
- My Notes on Writing an E-book, Jonathan Snook, 2012
- Academic ebooks can succeed but publishers must play their part, The Guardian, 19th Feb 2012
- Amazon Kindle — 12 months on
- E-Books – The Bigger Problem, 2009
- Interview with a Student on eReading
- Poll – How much would you (realistically) pay for an eTextbook?
- How much should an ebook cost?
- A Brief Rant On The Future Of Interaction Design
- Why Aren’t Students Using E-Books?
- Student resistance to e-books
- E-Book, In-House
- What can you do with a digital book?
- Book: A Futurist’s Manifesto
- History of ebooks
- Everything You Need to Know About How to Digitally Self Publish
- EPUB: Straight to the point, Book 2010
- The shape of our future book
- NISO Information standards Quarterly
- Book Piracy: A Non-Issue
- How are your reading habits changing?
- Are Tablets and E-Readers Now Educational Requirements?
- Amazon kindle and textbooks, JISC Cetis 2011
- We Can’t Teach Students to Love Reading, Alan Jacobs
- Ebook Subscription Models, Revisited.
- Reading in Four Dimensions [Kindle Edition]
- The true price of publishing, The Guardian
- Post-artifact books and publishing, Craig Mod, (2011)
- TED Books hit Apple’s iBookstore
- Al Gore, Our Choice
- Publishing ePub Documents via RSS, Stephen Downes
- Build a digital book with EPUB - Ebb and Flow A collaborative digital fiction project exploring the often contradictory concepts of technology and literature.
- The Role of Metadata in the Discovery, Selection and Acquisition of e-Books, JISC
- What Men (and Women) Talk About When They Talk About Publishing (Part 2)
- E-books the view from Bristol
- E-Book Tarnishes The Reader-Book Relationship : NPR Commentator Andrei Codrescu is upset that passages on his eBook reader are highlighted. This happens automatically by a crowd-sourcing program. Codrescu says it takes the privacy out of reading.
- SitePoint Podcast #48: Publishing Futures with Derek Powazek Kevin Yank (@sentience) and Derek Powazek (@fraying), co-creator of JPG Magazine and Fray, discuss the pros and cons of ebooks, what Apple’s iPad means to publishers big and small, and why print may be here to stay.
- Kindle-lovers are ‘bloodless nerds’ says Penelope Lively
- The Ticklish Problem of Pricing E-books for Libraries
Projects / Reports
- JISC Digital Monograph Technical Study
- Role of metadata in the discovery selection and acquisition of ebooks
- European report on the future of learning
- E-books and E-readers in New Zealand Libraries – an overview
elements of an ebook
- Cover
- Metadata (ISBN, categories, publisher, author, copyright notice)
- Marketing elements (advertising etc)
- Formats and preservation
- Contents – text, multimedia, voiceover, links, interaction
- Platforms (build and delivery)
Everyone on the board thought they did what I did
From Dave Winer:
I remember shortly after we sold our company to Symantec in the 80s, one of the board members wanted a feature in our product, and the team didn’t understand what he was asking for. I didn’t either, but by then I had already been sidelined. Everyone on the board thought they did what I did. I didn’t fight them because I was tired.
The bosses do everything better, Dave Winer
We Are The Explorers
Coping with flying
I have a fear of flying and have sadly turned down some great opportunities to see the world and meet great people. Eventually I decided that the risks paled in comparison to the regret I would have in later years.
I started off quite enjoying flying, my first flight was in 1996 from Bristol to Ghana (6.5hrs) via Amsterdam (1hr).
After that I did the USA (6hrs) and Canada (7.5hrs). Then I had a shocking flight returning from the Caribbean and decided a white-knuckle ride wasn’t my thing.
so I then turned down some amazing trips (so my family keep reminding me) to visit Portugal, New Zealand (twice) and some other spots.
I can’t pin point why I have this fear as I am a passenger in cars, bikes, trains, buses and all sorts of vehicles quite easily.
My brothers were going to Amsterdam and although I turned it down they booked me a seat anyway…. a short huff (under 1hr) they said with family would ease me back into the travel.
Needless to say I was petrified and drank like a fish as that’s what you’re supposed to right? (more on this later).
After surviving this I got brave and we went to Italy (2.5hrs) where I was just as scared.
I decided to list what I didn’t like and then investigate further – the result of which is now I am still scared but I can tolerate many of the things that trigger my fear. I thought i’d list them in the hope this brings some relief to others:
- I struggle to sleep days before a flight – acknowledge little can be done but that you aren’t the only one laying awake thinking about it either
- drown out the sound of other people, put some music on in the waiting room – somebody always has a bad plane story so just drown others out
- the plane looks odd compared to others – stop looking at the darn thing, just follow the person in front. Do not look at the plane except maybe to glance at the pilot
- take something to read as you can use this during take-off and it at least gives me a distraction from trying to look out the window
- That large knock shortly after take-off is the sound of the wheels returning to the carriage – this used to freak me out so much
- other people annoy me so listen to some music instead or watch a video
- I accept that I will have highs and lows during the flight – i focus on my breathing and the reason that I am travelling
- Talk to a pilot – within 1-3 people I bet you’ll know a pilot who will be happy to chat about the bits you hate the most
- Drinking doesn’t help at all i just need to use the toilet more which involves getting up so i have ditched this method
- those herbal things are useless
All of the above have helped me in the last 2-3 years cope with flights and these have evolved to allow me to fly to New Zealand, Asia and other part of Europe.
I am still a sweaty, grumpy mess but trust me the other end is worth the hassle. See you in the sky!
Music – Asher Roth “Pabst & Jazz”
Great new free mixtape from Asher Roth, “Pabst & Jazz”
Digital Monograph Technical Landscape: Exemplars and Recommendations
My parent JISC has released the final report on the state of ebooks regarding their potential within our sector.
The principal author is a favourite of mine, Liza Daly whos work on ebooks and the excellent Ibis Reader are worth checking out.
Read Digital Monograph Technical Landscape: Exemplars and Recommendations
Podcast: I have no idea where this podcast is heading…
After listening to one of his podcasts at the weekend I contacted Craig Taylor to see if I could be on it. He kindly accepted and thus ensued a series of tangents around e-learning, how us FE/HE types and corporate folks converge (measuring success and ROI).
I super briefly met Craig earlier this year at the Plymouth e-learning Conference and via twitter/podcast felt like I knew him enough to cheekily ask to chew his ear off!
I suggest you subscribe to his podcast and stalk him on twitter.