This was a mighty week of grinding that probably saw me tipping towards the most i’ve had to work in a single week thus far in this role.
- On Monday I headed to London with my two Nesta partners from University of Bristol and aardman respectively. We had a one hour interview to explain our proposal for the £125,000 Nesta R + D Fund for the Arts. We find out on the 1st July. Everything crossed.
- Much of the mid week was spent writing for the website, reacting to bugs and comments from all angles.
- Tuesday afternoon was a great break to pop along to the University of Bristol student project showcase. We had three groups making us digital projects so it was not only good to show our support but to be amazed by the other projects.
- Met with a Watershed sandbox project to hear how they might use RFID for a test in our “stuffed animals” gallery. It was a shame we couldn’t be involved in the planning and design of the project…
- At 2pm on Thursday 15th May we quietly slipped our new service website onto the web an achievement I will write about soon but it marks a major milestone for my team and the service.
- On Friday we played host for the Museums Computer Group Museums Get Mobile Conference. We had around 70-80 people from all across the UK meet to hear about everybody’s challenges, big wins and frank honesty about how hard working with mobile can be. We had a few week earned beers that evening!